Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"An article about my country in the English speaking press"

The article I read was about a movie called “Khuda Kay Liye” (In the name of God) which is the first Pakistani film to be screened in India for four decades. This article really interested me because it is the latest news about my country’s film industry and also about changes in two neighbouring countries, my own country Pakistan and India.

Indian films were banned in Pakistan for four decades from 1965 to 2006. However, pirated “Bollywood” (is the name of the Indian film industry) films were still brought into the country during this time and were very popular. For this reason, people in Pakistan knew all about life in India over the last 40 years whereas people in India had no idea about what life in Pakistan was like because of the band.

‘Khuda Kay Liye’ the movie was directed by Shoaib Mansoor who has a special message for everyone ‘Not every Muslim is a terrorist’. His movie is about two brothers both great talented musicians, they both read and practice different text in the Quran (Muslims Holy Book) and the first brother leaves behind his popular Rock Group and rich parents and goes to join the Taliban (a terrorist group) and the other brother goes to Chicago to study music and falls in love with a American girl and gets married to her. There he gets arrested and is beaten up by police officers who get suspicious of his Muslim background. Mr Mansoor who is a Muslim himself says, we are beaten up by fundamentalists, he also added that he was pleased by the response his film got in India. Many people expressed “khuda kay liya” as a “very bold and honest film”

“Khuda Kay Liya” has a great message for everyone. It became the first movie to screen in India after four decades and made a history.