Saturday, May 3, 2008


Globalisation has affected my country in many ways. Technology is making the world smaller. Globalisation has been bringing our countries closer through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture by network. Globalisation has changed peoples, lives all over the world. In the following paragraph I will outline some aspects of globalisation.

Firstly, globalisation has changed people’s habits. A long time ago you could not imagine Pakistani people going to eat KFC and Pizza Hut. Actually Pakistani people do not like to eat fast-food. But now you can see most fast foods such as KFC in Pakistan. Pakistani people think it is convenient.

Secondly, there is no doubt that English has become the most important language all over the world. If you can speak English very fluently you can communicate with anybody in the world. For example, people can listen to different kinds of music from all over the world and also understand English music.

In conclusion, People can try to understand different cultures in the world. This is very good to enrich people’s lives. Now I am living in New Zealand and I am trying to understand more about this country. The world is big and beautiful. I am so happy to see the positive effects of globalisation.

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