Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"An article about my country in the English speaking press"

The article I read was about a movie called “Khuda Kay Liye” (In the name of God) which is the first Pakistani film to be screened in India for four decades. This article really interested me because it is the latest news about my country’s film industry and also about changes in two neighbouring countries, my own country Pakistan and India.

Indian films were banned in Pakistan for four decades from 1965 to 2006. However, pirated “Bollywood” (is the name of the Indian film industry) films were still brought into the country during this time and were very popular. For this reason, people in Pakistan knew all about life in India over the last 40 years whereas people in India had no idea about what life in Pakistan was like because of the band.

‘Khuda Kay Liye’ the movie was directed by Shoaib Mansoor who has a special message for everyone ‘Not every Muslim is a terrorist’. His movie is about two brothers both great talented musicians, they both read and practice different text in the Quran (Muslims Holy Book) and the first brother leaves behind his popular Rock Group and rich parents and goes to join the Taliban (a terrorist group) and the other brother goes to Chicago to study music and falls in love with a American girl and gets married to her. There he gets arrested and is beaten up by police officers who get suspicious of his Muslim background. Mr Mansoor who is a Muslim himself says, we are beaten up by fundamentalists, he also added that he was pleased by the response his film got in India. Many people expressed “khuda kay liya” as a “very bold and honest film”

“Khuda Kay Liya” has a great message for everyone. It became the first movie to screen in India after four decades and made a history.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Globalisation has affected my country in many ways. Technology is making the world smaller. Globalisation has been bringing our countries closer through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture by network. Globalisation has changed peoples, lives all over the world. In the following paragraph I will outline some aspects of globalisation.

Firstly, globalisation has changed people’s habits. A long time ago you could not imagine Pakistani people going to eat KFC and Pizza Hut. Actually Pakistani people do not like to eat fast-food. But now you can see most fast foods such as KFC in Pakistan. Pakistani people think it is convenient.

Secondly, there is no doubt that English has become the most important language all over the world. If you can speak English very fluently you can communicate with anybody in the world. For example, people can listen to different kinds of music from all over the world and also understand English music.

In conclusion, People can try to understand different cultures in the world. This is very good to enrich people’s lives. Now I am living in New Zealand and I am trying to understand more about this country. The world is big and beautiful. I am so happy to see the positive effects of globalisation.

Words 213

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Class Report (Family)

This aim report of this to give a summary of findings 0f my research on the families of students in my class. The data was collected from the blog “about me’’ and also by asking some students to tell me about their families.

There are seventeen students in this class. Six students are married and eleven students are single.

All the married students have children. Five students have one girl and one boy. Only one has four children: two girls and two boys. About the children's ages are ranges from one to twelve years old.

More than half of the students have been living in New Zealand for more than two years. Seven students' families are living in their own countries all of miss their families. The six married students are living with their spouses their children.

In conclusion, this report shows that in our class the students are living in different situations the aim of this report is to some of the single students live with family members but a few live by themselves.
(Words 178)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

'About Me'

'About Me'

Hi I am Rukhsana. I came from Kashmir Pakistan. I have three brothers and two sisters and we all total six. I am youngest in my family. My country is beautiful and multicultural people living there. I have been living in Mt Roskill since I came to New Zealand ten years ago. I am New Zealand citizen. I like reading magazine, watching movies and going to the gym. I have beautiful garden.

I am married and have four children two boys and two girls. The oldest one is a boy he is ten years old and the youngest boy is four years old. The two girls go to Mount Roskill Primary School.

After I graduated from Punjab of University in my country, I got married but I have never had a paid job.

I have been studying English at unitec for one and a half year. My goal is to be a business woman in the future and I will continue to study English. My weakness is I feel that writing is a hard especially academic writing and also reading.

I can speak five languages Kashmiri, Punjabi, Seraki, Urdu and English. Urdu is my first languages. I have been to many places in New Zealand and there are all beautiful and clean I really liked Rotorua, Taupo and Queenstown.

Words 219