Saturday, October 27, 2007

Long holiday's improve people lives

The long holiday's improve people's lives. people all over the world like long holidays because
long holidays change their life. Holidays is good for those people who work hard. Especially for working people because they are working long hour.The moderns life makes people's daily life very busy. People who come from different countries they have good opportunities to visit their families and friends. People feel refreshed when they came back from holiday which makes them excited and look forward to holiday's.When they are on holiday's they relax and they are happy to do the shopping. Also it is good to see other countries. And when they finish their holiday's and go back to work, they feel good. Everyone loves holidays when they can meet with new people and make new friends.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Long weekend

In the long weekend I would like to visit to my friends because I haven't seen them from a long time. I had plan to go to Devenport by car and have a lunch there and I hope my children will enjoy outdoor activities. In the evening we can go to Mission Bay to see the evening views and have a coffee. I would like to have a swing with my children. I am very excited because we have a long weekend and we all can be together as a family.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The Computer have revolutionised with our daily lives we can communicate with others, do business, excess information and entertainment ourselves in so many different ways. Firstly I wanted to say about advantage computers have made communication faster and more convenient. We can keep in touch with friend and family. Children, teenagers and young adults especially enjoy the variety of games available. Computer have some of the disadvantages. Firstly like any machine, computers came let us down make our brain sleepy. People health can be affected by using computers. Lastly, computers can be dangerous, especially for young people.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Eid Ul Fitar

'Eid, which means “festivity” in Arabic, is celebrated after the sighting of the new crescent on the previous evening. Eid ul-Fitr is the first of two celebrations in Islam. The second celebration is called Eid ul-Adha and falls on the 10th day of Dhul Hajj, which is the 12th month and occurs during the Hajj (pilgrimage).

The air of festivity and celebration can be felt on the eve before Éid when frenzied shopping and Éid preparations are at its height. Since Éid is celebrated with gift-giving, the highly decorated shops and markets are open till late at night for last minute shoppers. On the eve before Éid, women and children get together to decorate their hands with henna, (in the south Asian subcontinent this evening is also known as 'chand raat'.. chand means moon and raat means night.. the evening when Eid is confirmed for the following day, with the sighting of the crescent moon indicating the start of festivities). Staying up late preparing food for the next day, the whole house is a hub of activity and excitement.

The crazy excitement of the sighting of the crescent is worth experiencing... especially for children. As their excitement builds and rumors start of the sighting in some remote locale, as yet officially unconfirmed, their eyes shine with joy as they anticipate Eid and the typical preparations preceding Eid. Climbing on rooftops to get a glimpse of the crescent. The greatest rumor was that the Air Force had dispatched airplanes to sight the moon, awesome! They think of what they will wear, what gifts they will get and how they will spend their gift money to buy toys. Pretty exciting! And sometimes the disappointment when it is not confirmed... another fast, another day, and the next evening they are just as excited.

The 'Eid prayer is important for Muslims as it has the merits of the daily prayers and the weekly gathering (Jumu'ah). On the day of Eid, fasting is forbidden since this day marks the end of the month-long fast. Eid is a family and social event, after the Eid prayers people visit each other, exchange gifts, spend time socializing with extended family and community, visiting the sick and offering prayers for the deceased.


Ramadan is an Islamic religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, when the Qur'an was revealed. The name "Ramadan" is taken from the name of this month; the word itself derived from an Arabic word for intense heat, scorched ground, and shortness of rations. It is considered the most venerated and blessed month of the Islamic year. Prayers, sawm (fasting), charity, and self-accountability are especially stressed at this time; religious observances associated with Ramadan are kept throughout the month.
Laylat al-Qadr, which falls during the last third, commemorates the revelation of the first verses of the Qur'an and is considered the most holy night of the year. Ramadan ends with the holiday Eid ul-Fitr, on which feasts are held. During the month following Ramadan, called Shawaal, Muslims are encouraged to fast for a further six days.


The most prominent event of this month is the daytime fasting (sawm) practiced by most observant Muslims. Every day during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world get up before dawn to eat (sahur) and perform their fajr prayer. They break their fast when the fourth prayer of the day, Maghrib (sunset), is due.

Helping the poor people:

Ramadan is also a time when Muslims are supposed to slow down from their worldly affairs and focus on self reformation, spiritual cleansing and enlightenment and establish the link between the God almighty and themselves by prayer, supplication, charity and showing good deeds, kindness and helping others.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I love my city:

Hi everyone I am back again to tell you about Auckland city:

Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. The population of Auckland is one point four million.It has become a multicultural city which, has brought many variety of cuisine,languages,music,which in turn has enrich the quality of life. It is beautiful, and green with many open spaces. There are many kinds of entertainment in the city .For example, theaters,clubs,sports bars.
There is a zoo which which attracts many children and tourists also Kelly tarltons. Which is the most tourists want to see even though New Zealanders. Another attraction point for the people that Auckland boasts of the Harbour bridge. Auckland Yachting is an another sport activities which is quite famous in the world.


Another advantage is education. Auckland has many facilities for education and training in many professions. People come from overseas and from many parts of world for training. Many people enjoying life in Auckland city, and the population continues to grow.

Friday, August 24, 2007

My name is Sonia and I was born in Kashmir where are many beautiful mountains and valleys, very similar to the scenery in Switzerland.In the winter time it is very cold and many people go mountain climbing, and enjoyed the beautiful landscape. Kashmir is the famous for its woolen garments.